Organic Decorative Garlic Braids

Organic Decorative Garlic Braids

from $32.00

Our certified hardneck organic garlic inter-braided with dried "ever-lasting" flowers. Brighten up your kitchen all winter long!!

People ask if it's art or food?


The braids are decorative, a visual talisman against the vampiric gloom of the cold season. However! If you so choose, they are also food for the body. The garlic cloves inside their wrappers will store well for 6-8 months, and many people choose to leave their braids untouched until we round the corner to spring in late February. Then, they slowly cut out the garlic to cook with as needed, slowly dismantling the braid until nothing is left: an exercise in impermanence, a seasonal ritual in letting go of the things that have served us well.

If you do not wish to eat the garlic, it will slowly dry out inside of its wrappers. If left out of direct sun, the braid will continue to look beautiful for 2-3 years, though the colors of the flowers will slowly bleach.

Large braids have 12 heads of garlic and weigh, on average, 1.5 lb. Half braids have 6-9 heads and weigh, on average, 2/3 lb.

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